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18.9 L refill

18.9L refill demand was guided by the current water demand in houses, offices and the need to lower plastic disposals into our environment, we came up with water refilling stations across Nairobi and Metropolitan Area. The service entails a client reusing his plastic bottles; the clients’ bottle is well washed then rinsed, filled with clean water, sealed properly then delivered to the customer.

The 18.90L refill service cuts the prices of water by 50% making it really affordable and preferred for households and small-scale offices. On the other side, the environment is way greener because we are reducing plastic disposals into the environment.


Nairobi Metropolitan Area has got an estimate of over 1.3 million households with an average population of 4.3 million. All these households need clean safe natural mineral water for drinking. According to the W.H.O, more than 55% of the deaths per year in Kenya come from Diarrhea diseases and most of these diseases are brought by a lack of clean safe natural water.

The market for 18.9L  is big and it’s only getting bigger. we can’t do cover the whole region and that’s why we are opting for partnerships for even growth all across. We need you because we believe we can only be stronger together;

We create business opportunities to as many people as we can. You can be able to make an income by partnering with us. We will not only give you a cover to operate, we will mitigate some of your risks, but also give you equipment, machinery to start. All this is as simply filling out our forms online and we will get in touch. Let us join hands and help our people